Alternative Medicine & Holistic Healing
Wilmington, NC
Psychic Intuitive Reader and Medium
Intuitive Healer

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About Anaswara
Certified ThetaHealing Practitioner
Certified Access Bars Practitioner
Certified Meditation Teacher
Life Coach
Intuitive Development Teacher
Host on The Spiritual Radio Network
Growing up, Erica knew she was different than the rest of the kids because of her profound story-like dreams in full color and full detail. She also had memories of events before she was born. In her mid-teens she found out she was able to interoperate dreams with uncanny accuracy. She started to read dreams for anyone and everyone who approached her. She was also able to pick up on emotions of those she thought about and was able to console them with a loving “mother-like” gift. Everyone felt so much better after she talked to them and held them in her arms regardless of their age.
Around the age of 20, Erica started to have dreams about people she would see in her awake life and “knew” things she couldn’t possibly know about strangers. One night she dreamt of being in Africa and being the only daughter of the King. Before committing suicide, the King had muttered the words “No matter what happens to me, never look back. You are Queen.” she has lived by this ever since. “That dream changed my life. Some may take dreams as creations of our subconscious mind. I take dreams as clues and information that lead us through our waking lives.” says Erica. Erica was then on an educational search to understand her life’s purpose.
Over the next 10 years she dabbled in all types of metaphysical studies trying to find the one she was to carry out. She studied everything from Numerology to Astrology. Completely understanding all of them, none of them really fit her. In 2006 she was introduced to Mātā Amtānandamayī Devī or Amma as she is affectionately known. Amma brought Erica her own spirituality that she was seeking. From her own practices of Meditation she was drawn to teaching it. “Once we find our center and controlling our minds we are able to heal ourselves. We are able to find our higher self and see where our issues really lie.” says Erica. She then started her own spiritual practice of deep Hindu and Sanskrit rituals.
On the 2007 Amma summer retreat, Erica was honored to be given a spiritual name, Anaswara. The translation from Sanskrit to English the name means “The Eternal”. Not really realizing the magnitude of that name she took the name as hers. That same summer she then experienced what she described as a “psychic tornado”. She was in the middle of the dissolution of a relationship and all of her gifts at that time were coming in full force. She was then a psychic, intutatuive, empathic, medium, healer with unlimited gifts. “It was like I went to bed Erica and woke up Anaswara. I woke up hearing, seeing and being completely different. It was difficult to rationalize anything. I didn’t have an instruction manual to know what to do or how to use these gifts.” Erica commented.
Anaswara was then on the path of finding the person who would guide her. Annette Rogiers was a ThetaHealing therapist near where Anaswara lived. She consulted Annette about what she was experiencing and then introduced ThetaHealing to Anaswara. “It was the most amazing experience. I not only understood my gifts but I fell in love with ThetaHealing.” says Anaswara.
In 2010 Anaswara moved from California to Wilmington as directed by source to do so and to open a healing center to bring ThetaHealing to Wilmington. About 6 months after she had moved she started to take clients and called her business Prasad Healing. “The word Prasad in Sanskrit is translated to “a gift from the Gods”. One brings an offering to the alter, after the prayers are said and the rituals are complete that offering is then blessed by the Gods and is to be taken from the alter as blessed goods. If one offers themselves to be healed they leave my presence as blessed by the Gods.” Anaswara explains.
“Through source we can all be healed in every way shape and form. ThetaHealing can help you in every facet of your life. I have facilitated in many healings over the years and have watched miracles happen over night. ThetaHealing, Access Consciousness and Meditation my tools of choice. Learning that we are all connected to source by all being source we are able to heal ourselves with a simple change of belief. The world is in constant change, all we really need to do is learn to ride the wave instead of trying to fight the current and watch where life takes us.”
Anaswara Erica